By default, all bolts are designated as 'Site Bolts'. To convert them to 'Shop Bolts' select from the top menu: Modify > Properties

Select the bolt(s) to be converted, and activate the Shop Bolted checkbox

The bolt(s) will be drawn as part of the assembly drawing, and will appear on the Bill of Materials.

This property will also influence the number of the assembly.

It's possible to influence which assembly the bolt is attached to.

Influencing which Assembly a Bolt is attached to

A bolt is always attached to one reference assembly, even if it connects 2 or more assemblies together.

We call this the reference assembly of the bolt. This reference assembly is important, because it will determine on which assembly drawing the bolt will appear. (a bolt will never appear on 2 assembly drawings to avoid counting the bolt more than once)

From the Sheets Manager / Settings / General / click on Change bolt attached to assembly rules - where you can influence which assembly the bolt is attached to.