At the top we have a list of value tables.
The name that is granted to the table must be unique (two tables with the same name is impossible).
A value table is always associated with a section type. This section determines the form of the profile. In the list of sections the most occurring section are available as standard (I profile, U profile, …). Below these there are also custom made sections, each contained in a .dwg drawing. You can read a bit further in this manual about how to add to these custom sections yourself.
The value table itself contains the data of each profile. Each row represents a profile. Each column is a property of the profile. We will look at each column of the table:
Sysname: The system name of the profile that Parabuild needs internally for the unique recognition of the profile. You must fill in here a text that is not already used by another profile in the table. The prefix (name of the table) is put before this text to obtain the complete system name. This system name is not used in the bills of materials or dialog boxes: Parabuild uses this name internally only. This system name is required because Parabuild needs to have a unique name that is independent of the name of the profile in other languages.
1/O: You can deactivate the individual profile so that it becomes invisible in the Select profile dialog box without having to remove it. Parabuild will nevertheless recognize the profile if it was drawn in a drawing. Therefore if you deactivate the profile here it only has influence on the Select profile dialog box.
Nederlands, English, Français, Deutsch: The name of the profile that Parabuild uses everywhere for identification (dialog boxes, bill of materials, shop drawings,…).
All columns that follow hereafter are columns that define the dimensions of the profile (height, width, thickness,…). These columns can differ depending on the type of section that was chosen for the table.
The table has the following functionalities that are useful during input/editing:
• Columns/rows: You can modify the number of rows and columns. To modify the number of rows is of course important for adding more profiles. Also the column names can be modified here (only usefully if you yourself have added custom section types, see further in the manual).
• Mouse Right click somewhere in the table: opens a context menu which offers several functionalities such as insert row, insert column, …
• CTRL+C or copy: You can copy one or more fields to the Clipboard. You can select several fields by keeping the left mouse button pressed and by dragging the mouse.
• CTRL+V or paste: You can paste one or more fields of the clipboard in the table. This is also possible with tables that you have copied to the clipboard from other programs (for example Microsoft Excel).
• TAB : to go easily to the next field in the table.
• 4 arrows ↓ → ←: for moving to other fields.
• Function key F3: it opens the search/replace dialog box with which you can look up texts in the table. It will search for the next occurrence if the dialog box is already open.
• Function key F5: Quick replace button for replacing the next occurrence of text.