You can produce (intelligent) sections yourself that can be reused for other dimensions.
This is possibly if we draw a section by means of geometrical rules.
You must therefore have knowledge of the part of Parabuild that allows producing intelligent connections.
The logic of a section is drawn in the same way as a connection in 3D.
However now we do this just in 2D (we draw each polyline flat on the world coordinates).
The values of the value tables are used on the section to calculate the real coordinates.
This is the working method:
- You start with an empty drawing (or you can reuse one of the pre-made sections).
- You must save the drawing in the following folder: Parabuild\Pb_lib\Prof\
- The section can contain only polylines (no lines or anything else).
- All the polylines must be closed.
- Absolutely no polyline can cross another polyline.
- There is no restriction in the number of polylines in one section. The polylines can stand separate from each other (multi-beam).
- You must add one macro in the drawing that defines all the polylines. It is best to create one module for each polyline. Now you define the form of the polyline(s) by adding geometrical rules to the module. If you do not know how to do this, then you must read the manual for producing connections.
- You must create a new value table that will be used in combination with the custom section that you just produced.
- In the value table you must make one column for each adjustable dimension contained in the macro of the drawing. If the name of the column corresponds to the name of a dimension in the macro, then the value from the table will be used as a value for that dimension when calculating the real section.