We will stipulate each tab contained in the Select profile dialog box.
The first tab contains multiple groups of profile types.
On the upper left you can select from the list one of the existing groups. If you click on the buttons “new group” or “remove group”, this list is automatically adapted.
If you select a group from the list then the options of that group are reflected below:
Activate: You can deactivate the group (becomes invisibly in the Select profile dialog box) without having to remove it.
Name of the group in all languages: Give a name for each language.
Illustration image: this small image is placed before the name of the tab so that the group can be recognized rapidly. (.bmp files are being searched in Parabuild\Pb_lib\Prof\)
If you yourself have modified or changed groups, then you can also create a new icon for each group that directly starts the profiles dialog box with the group as standard active.
This is possible using the next line as a command of the icon:
(S3d_CreateProfDlg “I profiles”)
This is a command that receives a text (in this case: “I profiles”). You must replace the text by the name of the group that you want activated as default. The name must stand between the quotation marks and must correspond exactly to the name of a group that exists. Opening and closing brackets in the before and after the command are also required!