There are 3 methods for creating a new General Arrangement view.
The first method is from within the Sheets manager, click on the button and then Add new Plan views. In the dialog box that follows you can create a new view based on a grid, a level or an ISO view. The new view will be drawn on a new 2D sheet if no sheet is currently active. If a 2D sheet is currently active, the new view will be added to that sheet.
The second method is using the command Draw section while model space is active. For the first point you select the middle of the camera object, this will later become the middle of the view limitation. For the second point you choose the location of the camera, this point also influences the front view limitation of the new camera.
The third method is with the command Draw section while a 2D sheet is active. This method allows you to draw a new section based on an existing view. For the first point you give the center for the new camera. For the second point you give the camera location, this point also influences the front view limitation of the new camera. The new view will always be drawn upright when seen from the 3D drawing. This is the result of the section on the anchor plan :