The numbering system in Parabuild will look at standard parts in the library, and will use the numbers found in those drawings to automatically assign numbers in the current 3D drawing.

The purpose of this tool is to assign predetermined part numbers to "off the shelf" parts so that those parts can simply be taken out of storage instead of produced.
Typically there is no shop drawing needed for these parts.

This is how it works:

  • During the numbering stage Parabuild will open the drawing files in the designated folder and store the parts in memory.
  • When a part needs a new number, if a part with the same geometry is among the standard parts then the standard part number will be inherited by the part being numbered.
  • Properties such as Skip shop drawing generation, material, finishing, structural type, etc...  will be inherited if the property was set in the standard parts library.

The folder where Parabuild needs to look for dwg files with standard parts is \Parabuild\Pb_Lib\StandardPartsLib\Metric\, but this folder can be changed in the Parabuild global settings dialog :