Classify parts
Command : PrB_Classify
This command can automatically classify all parts or a portion of the parts.
For more information about classification of structural types, see the Structural types topic.
Many Structural types can be detected and assigned automatically.
However, for most structural types the connections between the different members are used to determine the type of the parts.
The structural type detection uses the connected bolts, welds and macros to learn more about the part.
For example for a profile to be classified as a beam, it will need an end-connection on both sides.
Columns on the other hand are more quickly classified as such because their upright position alone is enough to distinguish them from all the other structural types.
Therefore it is best to automatically classify the parts when the 3D model is (largely) finished.
This command can re-assign all parts, or only assign parts that do not have a structural type yet.
We will explore all of the options in this dialog :
Objects to handle in the drawing - As a first filter, you could only classify all the parts on the current revision.
If you would re-assign parts on an older revision, and if the below option Also apply associated properties to objects is active, then this command may cause those part numbers to be modified, and those parts may then also move from their old revision to the current revision.
Only reclassify objects of type - An extra filter on what type of objects that may be classified (parts/assemblies/bolt assemblies/welds)
Only classify objects that do not have a structural type yet - An extra filter for leaving untouched all parts that already have a structural type assigned to them. Use this in case you have already manually assigned structural types to parts
Only reclassify parts with structural types - An extra filter that allows you to only re-assign parts that have one of the selected structural types. This option is useful in case some parts have received generic structural types, such as beam, profile or plate. This situation may occur when the first automatic classifications have been done too early - before all the connections were drawn.
Also apply associated properties to objects - When this option is active, and when parts get new structural types assigned by this command, then those parts will also receive the properties that are part of the structural type (for example numbering prefixes)