Producing intelligent elements

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It is possible to modify the connections in Parabuild, or to develop your own connections.

You do not have to learn programming for this. You must however learn this chapter so that you can draw intelligent connections by means of geometrical rules.


If you want to draw intelligent elements, you must think in a different way concerning the drafting of the 3D-Model.

The traditional manner of drawing each element has been based on coordinates in 3D.

Now those coordinates are replaced by geometrical rules and as a result of this we obtain intelligent elements.


The advantage of intelligent elements is therefore that we draw the intention of elements, not simply the final result. For example we hang the upper part of a base plate fixed to the lower part of a column with a geometrical rule. The consequence is that the base plate automatically moves if the column moves/is extended.


Using geometrical rules it is also possible to draw other things than traditional connections, for example the wire frame of a building.

This can offer large advantages, especially if the drawing must be adapted afterwards.


To learn to draw with geometrical rules we must adapt our way of thinking. At present we have been tuned to coordinate-based drafting.

The fundamental difference between the two manners of drafting is the following:

Coordination-based drafting: The draughtsman puts logic into coordinates and enters the coordinates in the computer. The computer itself on the basis of other coordinates calculates a part of the coordinates. These coordinates are fixed; they modify only if the draughtsman modifies them.

Geometric rules-based drafting: The draughtsman enters the logic of the elements in the computer. The computer calculates the coordinates using these rules. The coordinates can at every time modify because the computer uses the rules each time to (re) calculate the coordinates.