Command : S3d_SubGeomPoly
After this command is started an edge or a plane of a profile or plate should be selected. A line will be drawn along the edge. The line will not be visible at first as it is lying along the profile line.
This function can also be used to select the edges of cuts.
Command : S3d_BreakProf
Just as with breaking a line when using the AutoCAD command, this command can be used to break a profile.
The profile will be broken at a pre-selected breaking point and this will result in two profiles being created.
Command : S3d_EditProfPath
This command can be used to add or remove bends to the axis of a profile.
Command : S3d_EditPlate
This command can be used to add or remove corners of plates.
Command : S3d_SwitchProfEcs
The triangle of a profile determines the profile’s orientation on the workshop drawings (the triangle is always placed on the left-hand side of the page). This allows total rotation of the orientation.
Command : S3d_LineMove
With this command you can move elements along a line. This line can be any line from a profile or plate.